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What Is Yeast and How Does It Affect Our Bodies?

Last Updated: 20.04.24


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We are always eager to know more about the world around us, and that is why learning what yeast is and how it affects our bodies will definitely make us see certain things differently. Yeast is not only used to make bread or to brew beer, but we also have it in our bodies! If we have made you curious, you should keep on reading as you will find lots of exciting information.

What is yeast?

Many people know that yeast is used to make bread – this is the first thing that comes into our mind every time we mention this fungus. Yes, yeast is a fungus! Furthermore, yeast can be of various kinds and each of them has its own role in our lives. While we use a type of yeast to make bread, we use another one to brew beer.

Also, there is this yeast that is called candida and it lives inside our bodies, and we need to be careful because sometimes if it grows out of control it can cause an infection. There are many areas of our bodies where yeast infections can occur including the skin, mouth, feet, mouth, vagina, or penis.

Keeping our immune system strong is extremely important in order to avoid getting one of the infections mentioned above. Also, you should be aware that yeast is good for our body if it is consumed in small quantities. Foods that are rich in yeast also offer multiple proteins and B vitamins which will help us keep our digestive system healthy.

Besides helping you absorb minerals and vitamins from various foods, there are situations when yeast can help you fight certain diseases. Whereas, if you consume too much you might experience health issues or infections. That is why you need to pay attention to those factors that will increase the quantity of yeast in your body.

Antibiotics, for example, if they are taken too often, will encourage your body to grow too much yeast; and the same goes with oral birth control – it will stimulate the growth of yeast. Some symptoms that will let you know if the amount of yeast in your body is too high are mouth sores, bloating, gas, bad breath, itchy rashes, or a coating on your tongue.

Also, when your immune system is weak, yeast can overgrow in your body and will affect your health. That is why those people whose immune system is not strong enough will most likely experience a yeast infection. Babies and older people are among them, as well as people that have various diseases like diabetes or HIV infection.



There are many types of fungi that live in and on our bodies, and among them, we can remember the genus of yeasts known as Candida. This fungus is found in small amounts in the mouth and on the skin in various areas of the body. If it stays within normal levels, candida is harmless but when it starts to grow out of control, it can cause candidiasis – a very common infection.

To understand how dangerous yeast can be, you should know that Candida is the most common cause of fungal infections in humans. As we have mentioned earlier, yeast can be found in our mouth which means that candidiasis can develop in the mouth or even in our throat and it is known as thrush – most common among people with a weak immune system.

Also, if someone doesn’t have good oral hygiene or they have dentures that can be removed, there are chances for a yeast infection to occur, more exactly “thrush”. There are certain signs that individuals might notice if they suffer from oral thrush and among the most common we can remember the white and bumpy patches on their tongues, as well as on their gums or tonsils.

The symptoms are quite noticeable and it is almost impossible for the ill person to notice them because most of the times the patches are painful and they will even bleed if they are scraped. Also, in most cases, the individuals will be able to observe their tongue or mouth become red. There are certain situations when people might experience difficulty when swallowing.

Moreover, the number one symptom that most people experience is increased tiredness because candidiasis is often accompanied by nutritional deficiencies. Because candida is present in the vaginal tract of most women when the yeast grows uncontrollably the individuals might experience a yeast infection also known as candidiasis of the vagina.

That is why if you notice that your vagina burns or itches, you should know that these are signs that can be associated with a yeast infection. Also, some women reported pain or discomfort when they peed or had sex. Moreover, yeast can also cause certain allergies as there are people who are allergic to it in various foods such as bread, vinegar, or beer.

What foods contain yeast?

There are various types of foods that will stimulate the growth of yeast in your body, and that is why you should know which those products that can put your health at risk are. Moreover, there are certain beverages that will manage to do the same thing, and it is good to know which ones they are in order to prevent an overgrowth of yeast in your body.

It is easy to imagine that foods such as muffins, pizza, cakes, bread, and pretzels contain yeast as they are made of dough which is a breeding ground for yeast. Also, there are those fermented products like pickles or certain salad dressings that should be eaten with caution as they contain yeast.

Alcoholic beverages are also on the list, especially wine and beer – no matter how much we like them, their consumptions should be limited because of their yeast component. Moreover, if you are among those people who cannot say no to sugar, you should start opting for a healthy lifestyle because candies or soft drinks will stimulate the growth of yeast in your body.

Although fruits are very healthy and they are recommended to be part of our day-to-day diet, there are some of them such as watermelon and honeydew that shouldn’t be consumed in large quantities as they have a high content of yeast. The same goes with vegetables, certain legumes like squash, potatoes, and beets – these should be eaten in moderation.

You should always stay away from cheese or milk products especially if you have lactose intolerance because your body may lose its ability to fight excess yeast, and we know how dangerous this can be for our health. Artificial sweeteners such as maple syrup or honey as well as starchy foods like corn or potato are high in sugar and they act as food for yeast.



Ioana Moldovan

Ioana’s professional experience in the optics field has helped her understand the value of passing her knowledge forward. Her curious personality helps her gather useful information for her readers and her goal is to make technical information fun and accessible to everyone.

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